Young Adult Patients & Their Progression to Adult Primary Care
A Photovoice Study
Jennifer Flinn Riales
the Project
This project looked at four young adult patients, aged 18-29, and their journey through the healthcare system from pediatric to adult primary care. Using a method called Photovoice, it followed the stories of four patients talking about their experiences finding a primary care doctor, talking openly with their doctor, and many other parts of the process of switching to a primary care doctor.
Photovoice is a method that gives the group of people involved the power to assess the strengths and needs of an issue. This method brings awareness to problems by discussing photographs, and brings the conversation to those who might have influence over the the issue, i.e. policymakers. Using photovoice gives readers the ability to see the reality of this group's experience going through the process of switching to a new doctor and type of care.